Case Studies

We let the numbers and
our clients do the talking.

The Client (Wired Store)

Wired Store is a leading audio visual, home automation and CCTV installer with fantastic technology development capability. With revenue of approximately $700,000 pa, they are an exciting business well positioned to grow.


Wired Store was hit hard by COVID-19 and the lockdowns. They also failed to meet the basic decline in revenue tests for JobKeeper. They also had some catching up to do in record keeping while the Business Owner kept the business alive through an incredibly challenging period.


JobKeeper was secured through the alternative test, which stabilised cash flow. Next outstanding superannuation payments were addressed. Tim established a program to help them thrive, not just survive, as lockdown restrictions are eased in Melbourne. This included:

  • Government funded trainee shops
  • Active debtor management
  • Supporting expansion to Perth
  • ‘Real time’ cash flow reporting


The business remained solvent throughout this challenging period. Cash flow is now trending in the right direction.


  • Cash flow Improvement
  • Grants and incentives